Alexander Volchegursky
Senior Counsel
Alex graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in May 2000. He received his undergraduate degree at the University of California, Berkeley in 1996, in the field of Economics and History. Since graduating from law school, Alex worked as an associate at Georgopoulos, Pahlavan & Prince, LLP (where he met Zach Georgopoulos) from 2000 to 2001, concentrating exclusively on corporate finance and corporate securities; as an associate at Manatt, Phelps, & Phillips, LLP, from 2001 to 2003, initially practicing in the field of corporate finance and corporate securities, but later switched into intellectual property and general commercial litigation practice; and as a contract associate with various attorneys, from 2003 to 2006, once again concentrating on corporate finance and business transactions between 2006 and 2014, Alex was a partner at Lvovich, Volchegursky & Szucsko, P.C., continuing to focus on corporate finance and business transactions for small businesses.
Alex Volchegursky has been Senior Counsel to the firm in February 2015. Alex works extensively with a broad range of clients in the hospitality industry, such as restaurants, bars, breweries, boutique hotels, nightclubs, chefs, and restaurant investment groups, as well as individual restaurant investors. Alex provides the firm’s clients with business transactional services in the field of corporate and entity  formation, business law and transactions, hospitality industry law, real estate transactions, commercial leasing, alcoholic beverage licensing, and trademark and trade name protection.
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